Page name: Never Ending Races [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-08 21:34:48
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
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Races you can chose from for your character to be(you CAN be more than one, but please, don't be everything.):

        I'll also put whos what on here.
        Angels: Justin Takai
        Demons: Amun Al-Massri
        Shape Shifters:Kiley Hawk, Akantha
        Werewolves:Matthew Nieldix,
        Witches: Tazi Creuzan, Melinda Rand
        Warlocks: Icarus Nearanather NEN
        Mind Readers:
        Oracles:Milo Dany
        Demigods/Gods/Goddesses:Kiley Hawk

    Back to ---> Never Ending Nightmare

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2010-11-26 [La Luna]: Yeah Flisks your right it would get to confusing

2010-11-26 [MechianRed]: I meant half human and half vamp orhalf human and half demon not a combination sorry for not being clear

2010-11-26 [Flisky]: Half demon I can see, but I'm not doing any half vampire crap. This isn't Twilight.

2010-11-26 [MechianRed]: Umm half vampire isn't twilight as far as I know. course I could only stand the first book. Half vamps exist in dnd and darren shan. I wasn't acutually considering half vamp anyway just using it as an example. I am considering a half demon char.

2010-11-26 [Flisky]: I'm a DM for D&D and I would never allow a half vamp in any of my campaigns. It's just like taking all the good parts of a character and none of the bad. If this were my game, I would say no halfs at all. But it's not my game. :P

And yes, there are half vamps in Twilight.

2010-11-27 [MechianRed]: Do you run 3.5 or 4.0? Anyway I was merely pointing out they exist besides twilight.

2010-11-27 [Flisky]: 3.5. 4.0 is for newbs and sellouts.

2010-11-27 [MechianRed]: Agreed.

2010-11-27 [KnightAngel]: Made quite some changes to the extent of altering his name as well, here he is, hope you like him Darek Montrak

2010-11-27 [Flisky]: He looks good. ^_^

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: Woah guys He looks good Knight ill put him up and Crimson, theres not point in arguing anything with Flisk its a lost cause she'll get what she wants, and halfs are a bit complicated but it depends on if its boosts him and his "power" or is it weakens him or makes him an outcast

2010-11-27 [Flisky]: I like the weakened outcast thing. Makes it more fun. (And why do all my friends say arguing with me is a lost cause? :P )

2010-11-27 [MechianRed]: Whose arguing? I asked a question, kinda got an answer, and pointed out that the concept of half vamps weren't restricted to twilight(and that I didn't know they were in twighlight anyways) where's the argument? as far as I understood we were merely discussing things.

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: Cause it is pointless Flisky =^.^= and it just looks like arguing to me! Are you creating a character though you seem to be questioning us alot.

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: Love that new character flisk!!

2010-11-27 [Flisky]: ^_^ I thought the male to female ratio was a little scewed.

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: Haha yeah it was... but i'm going to drag some people into this, even if they come kicking and screaming

2010-11-27 [Flisky]: Preferably screaming. Oh, how I love tortured souls in the morning.

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: Ooooh they shall come screaming! *evil laughing, lightning and scary music*

2010-11-27 [KnightAngel]: Yeah it was mostly females, not that Darek would have minded but yeah then again otherwise he won't have anyone to have a bro-moment with or the like XP

2010-11-27 [La Luna]: hehe Mauras after him

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